Updated: May 9, 2022
May 2020 Arowhon Pines, Algonquin
Greetings from Algonquin!
We hope that you’re all snug, safe and healthy.
To all front line people – medical professionals, grocery store workers, truckers, etc. thank you for literally keeping our lives going during this terrible time. To those who have lost loved ones, our hearts break with you.
We wish we had more news to share. Like you, we’re glued to the media, awaiting medical updates, and government decisions on opening Algonquin Park (closed until May 31,2020) along with “restaurants”.
Our wish is to open only if we can keep workers and guests healthy and safe. As we wait for developments, we’re putting together plans for a modified - but equally fabulous - guest experience at Arowhon Pines this summer. The “new normal” may consist of contact-less check-ins, self-assessment health cards, lots of masks, gloves and disinfectant and more outdoor hand washing stations. Don’t be surprised if we take your temperature every morning! There will be a robust cleaning regime throughout the resort. The menu and service in the dining room might look a little different too. There might be table spacing and a couple of seatings. Chef David is already working on a fabulous menu as we speak with your favorites and new items as well. All the while, we will be doing our part - guests and staff – by washing our hands frequently and physically distancing.
It’s all quite challenging but doable. Let’s keep in mind that things will change in a month, then change again. Rest assured that we’ll go above and beyond the requirements to keep everyone healthy –and provide a wonderful, memorable holiday in the middle of the woods.
We cannot imagine a season without you. The peace and quiet of Arowhon Pines, amongst the lakes, forests, wildlife and company of friends, will be a welcome retreat for us all. We’ll keep in touch with more news as we come by it.
Until then, stay well!
Theresa, David and Adam
And all the team at Arowhon Pines
For a glimpse at what Arowhon Pines looked like this past week, untouched from the winter months, watch our short movie.


We hope that you’ve had the chance to watch a Cooking Class with Chef David Cooke. Enjoy your favorite Arowhon Pines meals at home!
Cooking Class #1 Duck Confit with Roasted New Potatoes, Endive, Mango and Pear Salad with Plum Vinaigrette CLICK HERE Coming Soon: Cooking Class #2 – Arowhon’s Yorkshire pudding and roasted potatoes Cooking Class #3 – Eggs Benedict on a sour dough English muffin Bon Appetit!