Dear Friends of Arowhon Pines,
As we look out at the dining room this Thanksgiving weekend, there are many generations of families all enjoying the company and the food. We also see moms with daughters and sons, caring siblings, lovely couples, singles and friends. The dining room was noisy and fun, full of laughter and love.
This weekend’s weather wasn’t the best, but there was not a single complaint. People hiked trails to see the fall leaves, canoed and kayaked, played pickleball and tennis, enjoyed the sauna, and a few braved a quick swim in the lake. Everyone read by the fireplace in the lounges.
TO ALL OUR GUESTS, thank you for your support over the years. That you keep coming back is a marvelous thing. Thank you to our new guests as well who found us!
Happy Thanksgiving. If we’ve learned anything after these last three years, is to keep family and friends close.
Keep well until we see you again.
Love Theresa, David and Adam, and all of us from Arowhon Pines